New gravity theorems The following four new theorems may be controversial, but I love a good debate. If gravity is a pulling force, then a gravitational object will not push a dent into its environment, it will rather warp the environment by pulling the fabric towards itself. The fabric of space itself is made up of gravitational matter, from planets and rocks to gravel and subatomic particles. Therefore the gravitational pull between a large object and the matter surrounding it, is mutual. T he graphical representation of a gravitational pit (trough), deepening as the mass of the gravitational object is larger, is only partly correct. Wormholes do not exist. Elaboration of theorem 1 In videos as well as images contained in documents, the ‘fabric of space’ is drawn as a sheet, represented by a grid of lines. The spot in the grid where a gravitational object sits is represented by a dent, on top of which the object is shown. See Figure 1 . Figure 1 Gravity dents the f...