New gravity theorems

The following four new theorems may be controversial, but I love a good debate.
  • If gravity is a pulling force, then a gravitational object will not push a dent into its environment, it will rather warp the environment by pulling the fabric towards itself.
  • The fabric of space itself is made up of gravitational matter, from planets and rocks to gravel and subatomic particles. Therefore the gravitational pull between a large object and the matter surrounding it, is mutual.
  • The graphical representation of a gravitational pit (trough), deepening as the mass of the gravitational object is larger, is only partly correct.
  • Wormholes do not exist.

Elaboration of theorem 1

In videos as well as images contained in documents, the ‘fabric of space’ is drawn as a sheet, represented by a grid of lines. The spot in the grid where a gravitational object sits is represented by a dent, on top of which the object is shown. See Figure 1.

Figure 1 Gravity dents the fabric of space.

Why do scientific sources represent it this way? In my opinion it is incorrect.
To visualize the warping of space, there is an experiment executed with a spandex sheet which asks to be criticized.

Figure 2 Spandex sheet visualization.

Let alone that the objects used to represent planets or stars are being pulled into the sheet by the actual gravity of Earth, and the sheet is stretched on a round construct, which enables smooth, round dents, the representation misguides the students present at the experiment, because a planet or star does NOT press the fabric of spacetime away from its center, but pulls the fabric towards that center of gravity.
Would the spandex sheet have been square and the construct to which it is attached were als square, the may have been various more sorts of tension on the sheet from the outer edge, which would result in a bumpy trajectory for the smaller object orbiting the larger object.

As space is three-dimensional, there is not just ONE sheet or layer of space fabric, that gets warped. Space consists of a continuum of such layers, and with reference to a gravitational object, there would be layers ‘above’ and ‘under’, to ‘the left of’ and to ‘the right of’ and ‘in front of’ and ‘at the back of’ that object. But actually, there would not be any of such determinations, as one cannot know what is the front, back, top, bottom, left or right of that object.

The representation of space as a stage on which Newton envisaged the events taking place should at least be a three-dimensional grid, as in Brian Greene’s documentary ‘What is Space’ (at 10’49”). See Figure 3.

Figure 3 The three-dimensional 'stage' that space is.

In this representation we assume the three dimensions being neatly ordered in a grid, lying horizontally and vertically. That does not necessarily have to be so for space does not behave in an orderly arranged 3D grid, but it works best to explain the failure of the dented fabric. But for the sake of explanation, I will use this 3D grid idea here as well.

The fabric, as stated earlier, is gravitationally attracted by a gravitational object, just because this fabric itself is made up of gavitational matter.
Therefore, one would have to assume that the gridlines of that fabric are warped TOWARDS the object and even, relative to a gridline’s proximity to the center of gravity, INTO the object (see Figure 4), rather than warped around it and away from it (see Figure 5).

Figure 4 Towards and into.

Figure 5 Around and away.

In the next two figures the fabric is attracted by the spherical object. Due to the imperfection of my graphic tool, I could not produce better pictures, but where the grid touches the object, it is meant to be invisible, as it is in fact sucked into the object.

Figure 6 Layer of space fabric 'over' a gravitational object.

Figure 7 Fabric of space 'under' a gravitational object.

Figure 8 Layers of space fabric over and under the object.

In Figure 6 the object lies ‘beneath’ a layer of spatial fabric and pulls a pit downward and in Figure 7 the object is ‘above’ the layer of fabric and pulls a hump upward.
Again, the layers are everywhere, horizontal and vertical, sloping inclined or declined, and the concept of ‘above’ or ‘beneath’ is relative.
The representation used in the documentary ‘Inside Einstein’s Mind’ (2015) around 24’30” onwards shows a ‘block’ of space with an object inside, that contracts the fabric surrounding it. That is how in the future I would love to see official scientific representations of the phenomenon.

Figure 9 Space warping as in the documentary 'Inside Einstein's Mind'.

Now please go and watch the video ‘How gravity really works’, which also contains this image.

Elaboration of theorem 2

Gravitational effects of an object increases as its mass increases and as the distance to another object decreases.

Earth’s gravitational field is filled up with – among many other materials- iron, all sorts of minerals, silicon, water, carbon and a variety of gases. The more massive the matter, the closer it ‘sank’ to the center of gravity; the less massive, the higher up and away from Earth’s core it sits. Then, outside of Earth’s atmosphere, there is still matter, perhaps not in layers, but in almost invisible strands of gases, gravel and particles.

There is a mutual gravitational pull between Earth and its surrounding matter, and whether the matter gets ‘reeled in’, depends on its momentum. If we could visualize this matter, arranged in layers, clouds or strands, that visualization could replace the representation of the ‘fabric’ of space in perpendicularly arranged gridlines.

My personal virtual visualization resembles the strands of matter in supercomputer simulations of the universe; see Figure 10.

Figure 10 Strands of matter in space.
In fact, Figure 10 is a supercomputer simulation of filaments of gases heating up under influence of gravity. Gravity managed to pull together quantities of dark matter into filaments and the less dense the matter is, the more it can be considered a gas.

As these filaments or strands continue throughout space, any distance is bridged and gravity is always transmitted.

Elaboration of theorem 3

In many representations about gravity, the pit made by an object like Earth is like a dent, half as deep as Earth and perhaps twice as wide. As the mass ob the objest is larger, de dent will be deeper, represented by for example a black sphere (i.e. a black hole) in a deep pit, which the heavy object has made like a heavy strong fish would do with a fishing net it would try to swim through.
With respect to the previous theorems, that pit is also pulled from under the ‘sheet’ rather than the heavy object sitting on top of it, pushing it downwards.
Under and down however (like over and up), still remain false terms, because no-one can tell what the top and bottom of space are.

A more comprehensible representation would be, that multiple layers of space fabric are pulled toward the object and for its mass, the pulled pits are deeper and so layers further away show being influenced by the gravitational pull.

Figure 11 Multilayer multidimensional pull by gravity.

Elaboration of theorem 4

As the previous theorems show, the pit created by an object’s gravity is finite. It is limited by the gravitational object and therefore the pit will not be some sort of a hollow tube that allows anything or anyone to travel through.
Because the pit does not dent into the object from e.g. six threedimensional sides, but from anywhere simultaneously, there is but one direction that space warps toward the object: the object itself.


Scientifically, I think that all representations in 2D images (including 3D images projected on 2D screens) of a plane that gets dented by an object that is depicted ‘on top’ of it (like in Figure 1), should be rejected as incorrect.

Your comments

Did you struggle with gravity representations? Have you wondered why they do not match to your understanding of the universe? Should experts elaborate on the how and why of present representations or should they initiate correcting all the wrong pictures?

Please, do not hesitate to leave your comments; if in my humble opinion they are worth publishing, I will do so. And of course, I very much appreciate if experts on these subjects submit their views. Would you then please add your own brief ‘about me’?

