
Showing posts from October, 2019


Time The flow of time apparently goes in one direction only, namely 'forward' as in 'away from the origin of time - the Big Bang - into the future. At the same time (pun) it is the direction of causality. Light speed is not about light; it is in fact the speed of causality [1]. As Earthlings, we perceive time as flowing from one second to the next, but a range of seconds tied to one specific event may be perceived as one 'moment' in the present. But our seconds derive from clocks, which are an arrangement of matter and thus of particles. 'The flow of time depends fundamentally on motion', says Matt O'Dowd in an episode of Space Time [2]. Speed When some object moves faster relative to you as an observer, the slower its clock appears to tick, but the other way around: for the observer on board the object, it appears as though you are moving away from that observer end therefore your clock appears to tock slower according to him. At the speed of ligh...