Because I did not graduate in physics or mathematics, most of quantum field technology or quantum mechanics is beyond my comprehension. The ‘double slit experiment’ seems to show that also insiders fail to understand why the particle pops up at another location than expected or predicted. The outcome of the experiment forces us to accept it as an axiom. In essence: the fact that, once we start measuring the location of a particle in a wave, the wave starts behaving as a dispersion of particles and the particular particle showed up at a location, solely based on probability. That could indicate that the particle ‘knows’ or ‘anticipates’ that a measurement takes place, before as well as after it has passed the double slit. I do not accept the idea that a particle can ‘know’ or ‘anticipate’ and therefore something different is happening.

Assuming it is correct that flow and radiation of matter really behave like a wave and particles simultaneously, then perhaps such a flow does not necessarily have to be continuous, but an interrupted or intermittent flow, meaning its particles and quanta are separated more strongly perhaps than quantum physics has been assuming so far.
In the trajectory between a source and a receptor/detector such a quantum can go on and off, or blink regularly. Maybe there’s a difference in charge between the ‘on’ and ‘off’ state, maybe there exist quanta and antiquanta, perhaps quanta or particles with opposite spin, vector and momentum, and maybe the difference between quantum and antiquantum is binary, with the quantum on = 1 and the antiquantum on = 0.
When calculation that a particle is supposed to be at location A, then it is indeed there in case the quantum state = 1 (on), but it fails to be detected whan the quantum state = 0 (off). The observer then assumes to be observing exactly that particle, but in another – unexpected – location, whereas it is just another particle, whose quantum state happens to be = 1.
Perhaps, as these assumprions prove to be valid, conditions may depend on continuity in quantum field operators, which may oscillate between 0 and 1 (or other values). If 0 and 1 are not binary statuses, then there may be threshold values in the range in which the oscillation varies, which encourage or block the visibility of the particle.

This is no more than a proposition of assumptions. Can you imagine quanta of electromagnetic waveparticles (or particlewaves, for that matter) to blink between 'on' and 'off'? Do you have a full explanation of the double slit experiment? Please do not hesitate to send your comments; if in my humble opinion they are worth publishing, I will do so. And of course, I very much appreciate if experts on these subjects submit their views. Would you then please add your own brief ‘about me’?

